new headquarters of AET in Monte Carasso

(with architect Francesco Fallavollita)


commissioned by: Azienda Elettrica Ticinese, Bellinzona

general director of construction: Direzione Lavori SA

advisors 1°phase

civil engineer: Reali e Guscetti SA, Ambri

systems engineer: Ifec SA, Rivera
                            More engineering SA, Rivera

physical of construction: Ifec SA, Rivera

antincendio: Cispi Sagl, Lugano

advisors 2°phase

civil engineer: Consorzio Luce, Tajana & partner ingegneria SA, Bellinzona
                      Spadea e Bondini Sagl, Lugano

systems engineer: Erisel SA, Bellinzona
                            Rigozzi engineering SA, Giubiasco

ingegnere facciate: Patocchi Sagl, Cevio

physical of construction: Erisel SA, Bellinzona

antincendio: Cispi Sagl, Lugano

competition: 2011

project: 2011–2012

construction: 2012–201
11'900  mc sia, 2’100 mq sul

Our main idea for this competition was the construction of two somehow antithetical buildings, an horizontal bar and a vertical tower. The new buildings are placed on the territory following its morphological characteristics and creating a relation with the manmade artificial elements on the land.


The administrative building of AET stands perpendicular to the Ticino River and the high way, while the tower building stands parallel to the latter.Together they form a recognizable place on the plain. The tower tends to give a spacial definition at landscape scale and interacts with the context in terms of height, particularly with Castle Grande.

For both  buildings, we proposed a modular facade with a simple and precise expression taken from the logic and rhythm of  a regular grid, while the internal structure of the building has maximum flexibility.

The building is highly insulated in order to reach minimal energy consumption.  The roof is provided with photovoltaic panels, to produce the necessary electricity for the entire consumption of the building.